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SJL Founder
Gita Stulberg founded Social Justice Lab (SJL) in 2017 with the mission of bringing professionals from varied backgrounds together to innovate new strategies for progress in social justice. In 2018, Gita co-founded MyVote Project (MVP) a non-partisan voter education resource. She currently functions as the Executive Director of MyVote Project on a pro bono basis.
Gita joined Andrew Gillum’s 2018 Florida gubernatorial campaign to develop and run his 'Bring it Home' Bus Tour at the end of the primaries, which propelled him from 4th place to a win. She served as the campaign’s Surrogate Director when Gillum moved on to become the Democratic nominee. Gita was State Director of Principals and Surrogates for Hillary for America (HFA) 2016 in Florida.
Prior to the HFA campaign, she was an Obama Presidential Appointee at U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) and served as a Senior Advisor in the Office of Public Engagement after joining GSA as the Special Assistant to the Regional Administrator in the Northeast and Caribbean regions. During her appointment at GSA, she spearheaded national outreach initiatives, identified opportunities for collaboration with stakeholders to promote the agency’s work, support the agency’s Administrator and senior leadership.
Stulberg has spent over 15 years working in strategic planning and analysis for consulting firms, non-profits, community-based organizations, faith-based organizations, and political campaigns, including President Obama’s 2008 and 2012 campaigns.
Stulberg’s advocacy work started at ten-weeks-old strapped into a carrier on her mother’s belly as they canvassed door-to-door for a school board member in Rochester, New York. Gita grew up in NYC and was raised by public policy advocates, mediators, and professors - all proponents of social justice!
Social Justice Lab Partners
Social Justice Lab Partners are based in Boulder, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, Oakland, Orlando, Philadelphia, and Washington, DC. We are Artists, Entertainers, IT professionals, Child Psychologists, Healthcare practitioners, Academics, Economists, Social Media Influencers, Legal Advocates, Community Organizers, and Political Operatives around the country who are committed to cultivating the next generation.